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CT::SWaM ExChange 014::




Join us for the inauguration of The Fridman Gallery Listening Room, an 8-channel 3D spatial sound studio inside Fridman Gallery’s office/showroom, designed by sound engineer/artist Daniel Neumann and CT::SWaM. It features an archive of works that were specifically composed or performed for this system and it will be used for future installations, listening events and the continuation of the CT::SWaM ExChange series.


This live listening activation will include works by members of Velak Collective: agar agar and Nava Hemyari + Frederic Stritter in a duo.

agar agar_©Jeremy_Jehanin.jpeg

agar agar
agar agar is an audiovisual performance by Martina Moro and Fabian Lanzmaier. Combining analog and digital tools they create an immersive space of abstract sound and visuals. Setting up an instrument in which the visual and auditory parts influence each other, they generate a system with its own dynamics and dependencies, resulting in a synesthetic experi- ence. agar agar is a performative instrument, a miniature stage, that under many spotlights, reveals an ecstatic choreogra- phy of patterns interacting with each other.


Nava Hemyar
Nava Hemyar studied electroacoustic composition at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna from 2013 until 2020 with Wolfgang Suppan and Kalrheinz Essl. Quite early in the studies I started experimenting with compositional forms and realized that I enjoy working with a few chosen fragments, which develop in time. Parallel to these, since 2015, with some early-age expe-rience in singing, I start- ed experimenting with my voice – rather a high soprano – wrote some pieces for it and performed them, and also sang in several performances of works of my colleges‘ and of other composers.


Frederic Stritter
Frederic Stritter is based in Vienna as a composer and sound artist. His works range from electroacoustic and live-electronic to real world music and installations. He is dedicated to exploring a particular sounding element or a certain location. Often his performances implement soundscape and field recordings exploring the Pankroama, the acoustic horizon. He studied electroacoustic music, composition and sound art at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (Mdw/ELAK) and theater, film and media studies at the University of Vienna.

Velak is a series organizing concerts and performances with the focus on electronic, experimental and improvised music, consistently and regularly for almost 20 years. The concert series hosting local and international acts has a nomadic form of organization playing in different settings and spaces around Vienna / Austria, but also has collaborated with other organizers from abroad to play velak-export events and was engaged to run a radio stream around the world over the last years.
Further information about the series can be found at:



CT::SWaM ExChange is a regular meet-up and listening session at the Fridman Gallery Listening Room focussed on multi-channel works and spatial sound. These meetings provide a platform for exchanging ideas, for listening to contemporary and historical pieces, hosting presentations, demos, talks, workshops etc., and for developing an ongoing discourse around spatial sound.

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