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SUNDAY, JUNE 16 2024
4 – 7 PM

Please join us for the official launch of New Ear Inc.!


New Ear Inc. is a nonprofit organization, launched in 2024, fostering experimentation in time-based media and interdisciplinary collaboration in New York City and beyond.


In celebration, we will host a performance by Jen Kutler in the main space of 169 Bowery, and an audio program by Claudia Robles-Angel in the 8-channel listening room.

Jen Kutler will present Jen Cathode Ray Gun Point, an audio-visual performance piece in which Kutler relates internal dialogues by the light of a single match while wearing physiological sensors reminiscent of a lie detection circuit. Video of Kutler reciting the text is manipulated by an RGB raster manipulation unit or "wobbulator" (made popular by Nam Jun Paik) made from a vintage cathode ray tube projector and hand wound coils. The "wobbulator's" manipulations of the video are controlled by Kutler's physiological signals. The stories told are accompanied by sample driven sounds generated from these signals which return to the air via speakers to manipulate the match's flame. The piece explores cognitive bias, subjectivity and the neurological underpinnings of emotion, mental illness, memory and choice.


Jen Kutler is a multidisciplinary artist and performer. She modifies found objects that are cultural signifiers of power, gender, queerness and intimacy to create atypical instruments and sculptures. Her performances feature many of her instruments incorporated with immersive field recordings to explore common and discrepant experiences of familiar social tones in immersive sound and media environments.



Claudia Robles-Angel will present her installation-composition Là-Bas in our octophonic listening room.  Born in Bogotá (Colombia), living in Cologne (Germany). Composer, sound and new media artist, her work covers different aspects of visual and sound art, extending from acousmatic and audio-visual compositions to interactive performances/installations using biomedical signals and Artificial Intelligence.


Là-bas (There…)

Là-bas… is an invitation to the audience to immerse themselves in a space that gradually fades into silence and quietness. The entire sound materials are derived from the recording of the poem that gives the name to the piece. The composition is a journey from the pure human voice spatialised to its transformation into noise. This is the concert version of an original composition for an installation of the same name. The poem that opens both the acousmatic piece and the installation was also written by the author. The original piece (installation) works with a phosphorescent structure in a completely dark space, creating an immersive atmosphere which introduces visitors into a contemplative situation. 

Claudia Robles-Angel has been Artist-in-residence in several outstanding institutions around the globe. In 2022 was awarded with an honorary mention by the GIGA Hertz award at ZKM Center in Germany.

Her work has been performed and exhibited worldwide e.g. at ZKM Karlsruhe, ISEA Manizales, Durban and Gwangju; KIBLA Centre Maribor, CAMP Festival – 55 Venice Biennale Salon Suisse, ICMC Copenhagen and Utrecht; New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival; NIME Oslo; STEIM Amsterdam; Harvestworks Digital Arts Center NYC, Heroines of Sound Berlin; SIGGRAPH Yokohama, Audio Art Festival Cracow; MADATAC Madrid; Athens Digital Art Festival ADAF, CMMAS Morelia; Beast FEaST Birmingham; ICST ZHdK Zurich; RE:SOUND Aalborg; Electric Spring Festival Huddersfield; AI Biennal Essen; and more recently at the Centre for International Light Art Unna.

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